Diamax diamond tools undergo rigorous testing both in the field and in the laboratory. In 2007 we became one of the first diamond tooling companies to begin contracting with an independent testing laboratory to test our tools against the competition.
Tests are conducted by Environ Laboratories in Minneapolis, MN, an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited industrial testing laboratory in a strictly controlled environment. Here are the results of our ongoing testing of 5” turbo blades.
Blades were mechanically advanced through 3cm Absolute Black granite with 12lbs of consistent force. Speed was determined by averaging the time it took the blade to advance through the 2 foot-wide slab of granite 5 times. Cost per linear feet cut was calculated by dividing the blade cost by the total linear feet each blade cut before it failed. Blades were purchased by and shipped directly to the testing facility from a tool distributor. They were not supplied by Diamax.

Diamax diamond tools undergo rigorous testing both in the field and in the laboratory. In 2007 we became one of the first diamond tooling companies to begin contracting with an independent testing laboratory to test our tools against the competition.
Tests are conducted by Environ Laboratories in Minneapolis, MN, an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited industrial testing laboratory in a strictly controlled environment. Here are the results of our ongoing testing of our core bits.
Core bits were spun at 3500 RPM and then orbited at about 60 rpm in a 5 degree orbit. The total amount of downward pressure on the bits was 40lbs. The granite used was 3cm Absolute Black. Bits were purchased by the testing facility and shipped directly to them from several different tool distributors.